I’ve known many successful people in my life. They’re
successful in many aspects of their lives and they’re happy with the life they
have. They have several things in common.
The successful people I know are optimistic realists. They believe that they
can affect the quality of their life and they’re realistic about the challenges
they face.
The successful people I know are looking for the possibilities, whatever the
situation. They make the most of the luck they have.
The successful people I know pay attention to what’s important. Sometimes
some things are more important than at other times.
The successful people I know concentrate on what they’re doing. Whether it’s
a project at work or a conversation over dinner, they give it their full
The successful people I know have great support networks. They nourish the
relationships that make up the network even while the network nourishes them.
The successful people I know work really, really hard. I’ve never seen anyone
achieve great success without hard work.
The successful people I know have values and standards. They live their lives
by them even when it’s uncomfortable.
The successful people I know don’t have it all. At any given time in their
lives some things are great and others need work and forbearance.
Boss’s Bottom Line
The successful people I know realize that success and failure are both
temporary, people are fallible, and becoming defines the journey of life.
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