You might be a great boss

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Are you a great boss? You might be. With homage to
Jeff Foxworthy, here are some ways to

You might be a great boss if you set clear and reasonable expectations and
check for understanding.

You might be a great boss if you follow up to make sure that understanding
turns into performance.

You might be a great boss if you touch base a lot and have conversations with
your team members.

You might be a great boss if you make good decisions when that’s your

You might be a great boss if you deal with problems and issues right

You might be a great boss if you make sure that consequences are appropriate
for performance.

You might be a great boss if you give your team members the maximum control
possible over their work life.

You might be a great boss if people want to work for you.

You might be a great boss if you help your team and team members succeed.

You might be a great boss if you’re willing to do the difficult and
uncomfortable parts of your job because that’s what the team needs.

You might be a great boss if you understand that team performance is your

Boss’s Bottom Line

You are a great boss if your team has high morale and consistently delivers
top performance and if you leave a team and team members better than you found

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