Here are my posts about writing this week, along with some posts about writing from others. This week there are posts on learning when you do your best work, Charles Dickens, advice from Matthew and the 4 B’s of insight. Plus posts on how Shane Snow writes and the power of quizzes.
My Posts
Larks and Night Owls
If you want to be more productive, learn when you do your best work.
Charles Dickens: Information Entrepreneur
Charles Dickens was a great author who used the cutting edge technology of his time to become a very successful author.
Advice from the Masters: Matthew Arnold
I really don’t know much about Matthew Arnold, but I really love this quote.
The 4 B’s of Insight
If you really want to understand your subject, use all of the Four B’s of insight
Posts by Others
From Demian Farnworth: Here’s How Shane Snow (Founder of Contently) Writes
“If you are going to run a company around a slogan like ‘Tell Great Stories,’ or rally your troops by adopting the Native American proverb ‘Those who tell the stories rule the world,’ then it pays to build an environment that fosters great writing.”
Wally’s Comment: Shane is currently promoting his book, Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. Not surprisingly, part of that promotion involves articles which seem to be popping up all over the web. Check out “The Innovator’s Question: What Would Fosbury Do?” and “Shane Snow’s Five Essential Books on Lateral Thinking.”
From Elli Bishop: Why the Humble Quiz is a Brilliant Content Marketing Tactic
“You might be surprised to learn that the number one article on ‘The New York Times’ in 2013 wasn’t an article, it was a quiz.”
Wally’s Comment: Quizzes can combine a reader-stopping headline with an involvement device, the quiz itself. That’s a powerful combination.
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