Weekends are time when things slow down a little. Your weekend shouldn’t be two more regular workdays. That’s a sure road to burnout. Take time to refresh yourself. Take time for something different. Take time for some of that reading you can’t find time for during the week.
Here are choice articles on hot leadership topics culled from the business schools, the business press and major consulting firms. This week there are articles about teams, companies, and the pandemic.
From INSEAD: Teams in Evolution – and Revolution – After the Pandemic
“How sensemaking can help you cope with unplanned, constant changes in your team.”
From Chief Executive: Resilience 2021: ‘Adapt, Improvise And Overcome
“What does it take to build an anti-fragile company that can take a punch and throw one, too? We asked CEOs across a range of sectors for top-of-mind takeaways for 2021.”
Wally’s Comment: Remember the full of Nassim Taleb’s book. It’s Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.
From Robert G. Cooper: The Pandemic Pivot: The Need for Product, Service and Business Model Innovation
“The pandemic and economic depression the world faces is a dark period for all businesses, but there are also opportunities. The companies that see the opportunities, and pivot to exploit them, will succeed, while those that fail to innovate will fade away.”
From HBS Working Knowledge: How to Help Small Businesses Survive COVID’s Next Phase
“For small businesses that have survived the coronavirus so far, what’s next? Karen Mills outlines steps that business owners and government should take immediately.”
From Bain & Company: Covid-19 Has Upended Business. Which Trends Will Stick?
“Businesses can use four tools to forecast the turning point for new technologies and trends”
Every Monday, I do a blog post about business reading and business books. Follow this link to my pointers to reviews of recent and important business books.
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