Category: Leadership

6 Ways to Support Your Teammates in Tough Times

  |   Leadership
6 Ways to Support Your Teammates in Tough Times thumbnail

Everybody agrees that these are tough times. At the office, we’re living through the turmoil created by the pandemic and the return to the office (or not). At home, we’re whipsawed by rising prices and product scarcity. You’re the leader. You can help. In fact, caring for your teammates is a big part of your job  »  Read More

10 Things Leaders Should Remember about People

  |   Leadership
10 Things Leaders Should Remember about People thumbnail

“Personal relationships involve nature’s most mysterious forces. Outside judgements are easy to make and hard to verify.” Walter Isaacson wrote that in his excellent biography of Albert Einstein, but it could describe any human relationships. Guess what? Leadership is a people business so you will spend your life  »  Read More

Leadership “wisdom” that makes me crazy

  |   Leadership
Leadership “wisdom” that makes me crazy thumbnail

Did you know that there are almost 300 books that Amazon thinks contain “leadership secrets?” Do a Google search for the phrase and you’ll get more than nine million results in about half a second. That makes me crazy. We’ve studied leaders and leadership for millennia. Is it really possible  »  Read More

Leading yourself: A Baker’s Dozen of Things to Master

  |   Leadership
Leading yourself: A Baker’s Dozen of Things to Master thumbnail

You can’t lead others if you can’t lead yourself. Here are a baker’s dozen of things to master if you want to lead yourself well and get on the road to becoming the best leader you can be. Master your smartphone. Your smartphone is the Swiss Army Knife of the Digital Age. There are calendars, reminders  »  Read More

Boss’s Tip of the Week: Autonomy demands accountability

  |   Leadership
Boss’s Tip of the Week: Autonomy demands accountability thumbnail

“Autonomy” has become the buzz word for “giving your team members as much control as possible over their work life.” That’s a good word and a good concept. Just remember that autonomy demands accountability. If you allow a team member to decide how to do the job, he or she must also be  »  Read More

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