My business purpose is to help people create and discover great business books. One way I do that is by writing book reviews I intend to be both thorough and helpful. Doing a book review like that takes time. I’ll never have enough time for all the books I want to read or review to review all the books I read.
There are books by people whose work I admire that I’ll never get around to reviewing. That’s why I’m posting this. I will tell you about three books I think you should consider buying and reading based on what I know about the book and the author.
The 3rd Ingredient by Jim Blasingame
Full disclosure first. Jim and I have been friends for a couple of decades, and I admire him and his work. I also helped some with the organization of The 3rd Ingredient.
I’ve worked with Jim enough over the years to know his time horizon is much further than the rest of us. I expected a book that would challenge me and stretch my mind. I wasn’t disappointed.
The full title of the book is The 3rd Ingredient: The Journey of Analog Ethics into The World of Digital Fear and Greed. It reviews how ethics and technology developed and interacted over the centuries.
Jim uses a story form, but this is no lightweight fable. The newspapers and the net have been telling stories of how our digital technology has outrun our ethical principles. Read this book to find out how and why.
The Harvard Business Review Leader’s Handbook by Ron Ashkenas and Brook Manville
I pay attention to anything Ron Ashkenas writes. He’s insightful and lucid and stands out in a world of click-bait headlines and half-baked research. The full title of the book is The Harvard Business Review Leader’s Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, And Get to The Next Level. Read it to discover the six essential practices the authors say will help you develop and grow as a leader no matter where you are in your career.
Reinforcements by Heidi Grant
I’m a big fan of Heidi Grant’s work. Her book, Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals, was one of the best books I read in 2016, and the best book I have ever read on goal-setting. Her work is always clear and well-researched.
We need help to accomplish big things. This book is about how to do it better. The full title is Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help You.
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