Category: Performance Management

3 Questions to help you analyze performance problems

  |   Performance Management

Diagnosing performance problems is part of every boss’s day. It starts when you notice that one of the team members isn’t performing up to the expected level. Here are three questions to help diagnose performance problems quickly and fairly. Ask the questions in order to get the best results. Ask: Can they do  »  Read More

Questions, Praise, and Consequences

  |   Performance Management

My mother did a lot of things differently from other parents. Other parents served leftovers, but my mother called it “eating Creole” and made it an event. Other parents, and most of my teachers, talked about “misbehavior.” Mom thought there was no such thing. “There is only behavior,”  »  Read More

Lessons from Singing in the Choir

  |   Performance Management

Even though my father was a Pastor, I never sang in the choir when I was young. Choir practice always seemed to conflict with basketball practice or work. So I had to wait until I was an adult to learn the lessons that choir singing has to teach. The fact is that pretty much anyone can sing in a church choir, regardless  »  Read More

The Art of Letting Go

  |   Performance Management

When Kitty started working for me, she didn’t know anything about the job. I trained her and coached her as she learned every key task. And for each one I asked myself, “Is she ready to handle this on her own yet?” And I held on too long every time. Every boss knows in his or her head that the most  »  Read More

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