Category: Life

A Cratchit Kind of Christmas

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It’s a typical frantic, modern Christmas season, full of parties and errands and things to buy. Televisions are filled with pictures of mountains of presents under beautifully decorated trees, along with exhortations to buy more things. It was simpler for the Cratchits. You probably remember the Cratchits from  »  Read More

My Mother, Cancer, and a Bit of Wisdom

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My mother was smart and wise and practical. She had the gift of reducing wisdom to a pithy saying that was easy to remember. Her most powerful saying was really a question. “What good can we make of this?” It was the all-purpose question for every situation. She lived by it. Mom was diagnosed with lymphoma in  »  Read More

The Sidekick

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When Roy O. Disney and his younger brother, Walt, were growing up, they often had to share a bed. That wouldn’t have been a problem except that Walt wet the bed when he was young. In later life that allowed Roy to quip that he was the only person he knew “who had been peed on by a  »  Read More

What will you leave behind?

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“You can’t take it with you.” I’m sure you’ve heard that statement or something very much like it. It states a basic truth. When you and I are gone from this life, the only thing left will be what we leave behind. It’s called your legacy. Today is the only opportunity you have to shape it. If you’re in  »  Read More

Memorial Day Thoughts and Reading

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I become pensive around Memorial Day. I remember those whom, as the Episcopal liturgy says, “we love, but see no longer.” They are special friends, but, as the Warrior’s Toast puts it, “absent friends” and I will toast them this Memorial Day as every other Memorial Day. The odd and the small  »  Read More

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