Category: Books

Book recommendations for business leaders: 5/4/23

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Book recommendations for business leaders: 5/4/23 thumbnail

Leaders are readers. Reading helps you discover ideas to try and expand your mental models. In this post, I point you to reviews of recent business books. You’ll find pointers to reviews of The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness, Burn the Boats: Toss Plan B Overboard and Unleash  »  Read More

Book Review Short Take: Rising Together

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Book Review Short Take: Rising Together thumbnail

There are, conservatively, 300 gazillion books published every year. No one has the time to list them, let alone read them or review them. That’s a problem because there’s a lot of value in many books you may not hear about because of the clutter.  “Short Takes” is my humble effort to cut through  »  Read More

Book recommendations for business leaders: 4/13/23

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Book recommendations for business leaders: 4/13/23 thumbnail

Leaders are readers. Reading helps you discover ideas to try and expand your mental models. In this post, I point you to reviews of recent business books. You’ll find pointers to reviews of You Need A Manifesto: How To Craft Your Convictions And Put Them To Work, The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion that Will  »  Read More

Book Review: The Power of Discipline

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Book Review: The Power of Discipline thumbnail

You would think that more than 3000 reviews averaging 4.6 would lead you to a great book. Instead, in this case, they led me to an awful book. The Power of Discipline is a slipshod bit of work. The writing/editing is terrible and the “evidence” supporting the author’s statements is often inaccurate. Let me be  »  Read More

Book Review: A New Way to Think

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Book Review: A New Way to Think thumbnail

A New Way to Think reminded me of an old joke. In the joke, a man goes to his doctor and says, “Doctor, it hurts when I do this.” The doctor replies, “Then quit doing that.” That’s the premise behind Roger Martin’s book, A New Way to Think. He says this in the Introduction. “When executives and  »  Read More

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