Category: Management

Lessons from Chopped!

  |   Leadership

“Success is about ingredients and execution.” ~ Thomas Keller Great cooks produce their finest creations when they have control over both the ingredients and the process. That’s how great dinner parties happen. As a boss, you can achieve almost anything if you can pick your team and have all the time you  »  Read More

A Secret No One Tells New Managers

  |   Management

The Merriam-Webster dictionary lists two meanings for “confrontation.” There are “a face-to-face meeting” and “the clashing of forces or ideas.” Both are part of being a boss, but hardly anyone tells that to a new manager in advance. You could say that managing others is the art of  »  Read More

Motivation Made Simple

  |   Management

If you’re a manager then you’ve been told at least once that you have to “motivate your people.” But how do you do that? Start by making a change in your head.  Forget about “motivating” people. Motivation isn’t something you do to someone else. It’s something we each do  »  Read More

Talking to team members about performance

  |   Management

Here’s part of a question that came in via email from a young manager. “I wish to develop the leadership quality whereby I am able to bring out the mistakes and behavioral problems of any one without being verbally attacked.” My first reaction was that the writer might be in the wrong job. He  »  Read More

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