Resources for Now You’re the Boss: Making the Most of the Most Important Transition in Business

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You got promoted. Great!

You’re about to experience one of the critical periods in your life. The transition from individual contributor to manager is one of the hardest in business and in life. My ebook, Now You’re the Boss, is a brief guide to making the most of your transition. Here are some more resources for you.

Leadership Books: Suggestions for New Leaders is a list of books to help you make the most of the transition and become the most effective boss you can be.

Every week I post one tip from my ebook, Become a Better Boss One Tip at a Time. Click here for a list of published tips.

Make it a habit to study leaders instead of leadership. Read my post on Studying Leaders in the Wild and check out the posts in my series Leaders and Strategies in Real Life.

There are lots of posts on this blog about how to be a better boss. Here are links to a few of them.

3 Reasons it’s hard to learn leadership

3 Reasons Why Great Bosses aren’t Bossy

Boss, are You the Cause of Stress?

3 Variables of Delegation

Becoming a Great Boss: Where to Start

The Ray Standard

How to Have More Successful Supervisory Conversations

14 reasons why it’s tough to be a boss

Being a good boss means doing the whole job

You’re the boss. Make a difference.

Make every encounter count

Practicing Leadership

Learning from bad bosses

Bosses: People work is the real work

Bosses: Give Frequent and Usable Feedback

10 Engagement-Building Behaviors for the Boss