Every year there’s more media hype leading up to the Super Bowl which sometimes seems like it ought to be staged in the Roman Coliseum. So here are a few articles that don’t include a single player interview or game prediction. Instead, you’ll find articles on smaller brands capturing the Super Bowl spotlight, betting on the Super Bowl, a Super Bowl ad’s biggest enemy, the Super Bowl clock, and three Super Bowl ads that push the limits (but that you may not get to see).
From Dale Buss: Smaller Brands Are Capturing the Super Bowl Spotlight This Year
“The Super Bowl is the biggest and most expensive marketing stage in America, and by many measures, in the world. And while some big-brand regulars are backing away from the Big Game this year and its $4.5-million fee for 30 seconds of advertising during the game telecast on NBC, many other CEOs are eager to see their companies take those slots—even small companies that might seem to have no business placing such a huge bet on a half-minute of air time no matter what the venue.”
From Mason Levinson: Heads I Win, Tails You Win More With Super Bowl Coin-Toss Wagers
“Such is the frenzy surrounding Super Bowl wagering, where betting by recreational gamblers dwarfs professionals. They are investing in any and every possible outcome tied to the most-watched U.S. television event. Bookmakers, however, are usually the big winners.”
From Schuyler Velasco: A Super Bowl ad’s greatest enemy? Snacks.
“Super Bowl commercials are hot properties, but eating and watching sports – the two main Super Bowl activities – can reduce viewers’ susceptibility to advertising, according to studies. So are companies shelling out millions for Super Bowl airtime really getting their money’s worth?”
From Stephen Gandel: What times the Super Bowl?
“The answer: A clock made by a company in South Dakota.”
From The Globe and Mail: Video: Three Super Bowl ads that push the limits (for better or worse)
See the GoDaddy ad you won’t see during the game, the Newcastle ad you won’t see unless you live in Palm Springs, and more.
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