I think that one of the best ways to learn leadership isn’t studying “leadership” at all. Instead, study individual leaders in their natural habitat and decide what they do that you want to try. Articles by and about leaders and interviews with them are mini-case studies that show you an actual leader in a real situation.
That’s why, every week, I bring you a selection of post about individual leaders. This week I’m pointing you to pieces by and about Juetten, Jeff Weiner, Karen Kaplan, Penny Herscher, and Michael Cascio.
From Mary Juetten: 3 lessons learned from corporate America that apply to startups
“Startup founders might want to run far away from the corporate life, but as Traklight founder Mary Juetten says, they’d be wise to adopt what works in corporations.”
From Henry Blodget: LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner on leadership
“Who is the best CEO in the country? According to one rating service, it’s Jeff Weiner, CEO of social networking giant LinkedIn. In 5 years of running the company, Jeff has inspired his team, the industry, and Wall Street, and he has helped build LinkedIn into a $25 billion powerhouse.”
From Caroline Fairchild: How Karen Kaplan went from receptionist to CEO
“Karen Kaplan didn’t even want to work in advertising when she applied for her first job at the Boston-based ad firm Hill Holliday. At the age of 22, Kaplan walked into the company’s office for an interview to be a receptionist. She was looking for a low-commitment job that would help pay the bills while she saved money for law school and studied for the LSAT. Some 32 years later, Kaplan hasn’t left Hill Holliday. Now, after having 16 different jobs at the firm, she’s the company’s chief executive.”
From Adam Bryant: Penny Herscher of FirstRain: What Parents Can Teach a C.E.O.
“A chief executive says the skills learned in raising a child are analogous to ‘nurturing a team and bringing a project to life.'”
From Michael Cascio: Pearls of Career Wisdom, Found in the Trash
“Michael Cascio, a media consultant and former television executive, says nothing prepared him better for work and life than a summer job as a janitor.”
Wally’s Comment: I’ve pointed you to a lot great pieces in this series. This is one of the best.
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