I think that one of the best ways to learn leadership isn’t studying “leadership” at all. Instead, study individual leaders in their natural habitat and decide what they do that you want to try. Articles by and about leaders and interviews with them are mini-case studies that show you an actual leader in a real situation.
That’s why, every week, I bring you a selection of post about individual leaders. This week I’m pointing you to pieces by and about Chandra Chandrasekaran, Darren Huston, Vikram Vij, Peter Kean, and Michele Ferrero.
From Adam Bryant: Chandra Chandrasekaran of Tata Consultancy Services: Making a Habit of Accountability
“My father would say that you need to know the value of everything you get — value of money, and value of time. So he made us account for things. It wasn’t that there was a right or wrong way, but he wanted us to be accountable for what we did. Over time, it became a habit. One of my key strengths is that I’m very reflective. You learn so much better by taking that time.”
From Dennis Schaal: Priceline CEO on Staying in High Gear
“Darren Huston, the CEO of the Priceline Group, admits that he and his team are data junkies and in parsing the data, he points to Google as the Group’s most efficient marketing partner.”
From Iain Marlow: ‘Culinary kingpin’ Vikram Vij expands his restaurant empire
“Vikram Vij opens the locked wooden door of his world-famous Indian restaurant, ushers me inside, and then says quite literally the last thing I would have expected.”
From Suzi McAlpine: Insights From An Epic Kiwi Leader
“Recently I spoke to Peter Kean – one of NZ’s most successful leaders and all-round awesome bloke. As former MD of National Foods Ltd. for Australasia, Director on a number of boards – including NZ Rugby Union, The Lion Foundation and Sanford Fisheries Ltd – Chairman of the Bank of NZ partners’ Programme for Otago/Southland and previously MD of Lion Nathan New Zealand, to say this guy knows a thing or two about leadership is kinda an understatement. Here’s what he had to say”
From Hilary Stout: Michele Ferrero, Pioneer Who Gave the World Nutella, Dies at 89
“Mr. Ferrero was widely regarded as the richest man in Italy and he presided over a vast international confectionary empire.”
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